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Fake Nerd Girl Detector

Because protecting the integrity of the term "gamer" is important
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This thing was angrily made in response to yet another "fake nerd girl" article on the internet. The idea that attention is some kind of weird currency that women hoarde and sit atop like instagramming dragons is really silly. I'm not sure what we could even turn it in for - maybe those neat candy whistles you used to be able to get at arcades for a few tickets? Regardless, I'm pretty tired of the thought that women playing games are such an anomaly that we have to prove ourselves legtimate and worthy. If I had enough fingers for it, I'd get GET MAD; MAKE ART tattooed across my knuckles, semicolon and all.

As I'm writing this it's pretty early on in this experiment to be saying so, but I am guessing that a lot of these will likely be in response to something asinine. My initial reaction to seeing or hearing something absurd is to respond with more absurdity. And apparently glitter text.

Game Details

Release Date :I have no idea anymore

Role(s) : Everything

Website : External Link